“I work in an ICU and whenever I'm taking care of a newly diagnosed 18+ year old, I always give it to them straight: it sucks. There's going to be days that are so tough but you'll get through it. Connect with social media accounts, reach out to your friends or whomever and normalize diabetes in your surroundings. You'll learn so much from seeing what other people do, and you'll find tons of tips/tricks that will make it easier. I always end with this: take the insulin. Don't skip insulin be you're sick or vomiting or just don't feel like it. I see people that are 30 and on dialysis because they didn't take care of themselves when they were younger, they didn't realize the impact that blood sugar swings, DKA, and poor management can have. Take the insulin always, and if you're afraid, take at least a small dose and call your endocrinologist. It'll get easier over time but there are so many ways to make it better!”